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Application for an internal move

If you wish, you will be able to apply to move to another of our 1.500 residential units.

Internal moving entails moving to another residential unit in the same house (to another floor or to another type of unit in the same house, for example) or to a unit in another student house.

Internal moving is invoiced at the actual cost involved in moving from one unit to another.

That is to say, you pay a daily rental for both the units during the time it takes you to complete the move.

  • Daily rental is calculated from the monthly rent divided by 30, multiplied by the number of days.
  • Rental is calculated up to and including the day on which you deliver back the keys to the old room(s). 
  • Keys to the new room(s) may be collected from the housing department by agreement, usually at 13:00.

This gives you the opportunity to control the cost of internal moving yourself. The less time you take, the cheaper it is.

Internal moving will not be approved during the period 1.8-15.9.

Unfortunately, you cannot use our electronic application form to apply for internal moving. The application form for internal moving may be obtained by applying to the housing department by telephone to 22 93 35 00 or by e-mail to studentboligene@oas.no .

14. juni 2007 16:35

Hvor kjøper du skolebøkene dine?

Penelope Bokhandel 53%
Norli 13%
Akademika 8%
Annet 7%
Kjøper brukt 6%
Låner på biblioteket 5%
Nettbokhandel 4%
Annen vanlig bokhandel 2%
ABC Fagbokhandel 1%
Kopierer 1%

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