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OAS Psykolog- og rådgivningstjeneste (mental health and councelling services) have qualified and experienced professionals from various fields of expertise, including councelling, individual therapy, groupwork, lectures.

We wish to meet your needs, however varied. No problem is too small. And we wish to help when problems feel large and perhaps hard to cope with. Read more

Issues include
Anxiety and depression, familial and social relations, problem with concentration and studying, sleeping disorders, grief and sadness, self esteem issues, drug abuse, eating disorders, love problems, economic difficulties, information and advice concerning your rights as a student and help finding other sources of assistance.

We offer
individual appointments for councelling and therapy, courses, group work and seminars.

Examples of topics:
Speak-up course; autobiography group; grief support group, lectures about selv awarness as a student and on learning how to controll your money.

All these services are free. Access is easy and all service providers are bound to confidentiality. Read more about these services, both in general and more specifically, or contact us at psykraas@oas.no

Contact us:

Main office: Wergelandsveien 27.   "Open door" every weekday between 12 and 2 pm or telephone 22 93 35 00 or e-mail: psykraad@oas.no

Councellor at Høgskolen i Akershus,  telephone 64 84 94 35, e-mail: sunniva.harmens@oas.no

1. oktober 2006 14:36

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